
Giving to Baltimore White Marsh Adventist School

Baltimore White Marsh Adventist School relies on the generosity of donors and our community partners to support our work in providing a high quality, affordable Christian education and building character in our youth in a nurturing environment. Your generosity touches every aspect of Baltimore White Marsh from financial aid to projects that provide equipment, technology, and other resources that benefit our students and faculty.  Make a gift today.  All gifts of any sizes are appreciated. Thank you for your support and generosity.


Ways to Give

Support any areas of special interest or give without restriction to support Baltimore White Marsh’s most pressing needs.


 Annual Fund

Annual giving to Baltimore White Marsh Adventist School provides current and immediate support for our school’s operations and resources that enables us to continually enhance our program benefiting our students while keeping the cost of Baltimore White Marsh education affordable.

 Worthy Student Scholarship Fund

Baltimore White Marsh strives to provide a quality Christian education to all students regardless of financial need.  Your contributions to the Worthy Student Scholarship Fund allow students the opportunity to attend Baltimore White Marsh Adventist School who otherwise would not be afforded the option.

 Partnering for Eternity Match Fund

The Partnering for Eternity (PFE) Program makes Christian education affordable by offering scholarship to students when they meet with their older adult mentor. Students, along with their parents, bring joy to the lives of mentors through activities such as visiting, reading, and engaging in hobbies. As students build generational bridges and learn the value of service, they also benefit from the wisdom and mentorship of older adults. In the process, their time together helps finance our student’s Christian education.

For every dollar you give toward the PFE match fund, the SFFC Foundation will double your donation. Any donations exceeding the awarded school year limit will go to the Worthy Student Scholarship Fund.


Other Ways to Give

 Employer Matching Gift Programs

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employer. Contact your employer’s human resources or community giving department to check if your employer offers matching gifts. It’s an easy way to multiply your gift to Baltimore White Marsh.

For more information on how you can help Baltimore White Marsh Adventist School, please email